Monday, August 22, 2011

Going Home

Hi everyone.  Today I went home to be with Jesus.  My mommy went to the doctor on her lunchbreak, but he couldn't find my heartbeat.  She then had an ultrasound which confirmed that my heartbeat had stopped.  Mommy then cried and cried.  Mommy will be induced on Wednesday morning at Bethesda North (because it is quieter and less crowded) and will deliver my earthly body so she and daddy can hold me before they will have to lay my body to rest.  It has been a long journey over the past 9 and 1/2 months, but I have felt so incredibly loved by all of you.  Thank you!  It was obviously never the Lord's will for me to make it to birth, but I heard my mommy and daddy saying that they have been ministered by me more in this short time than by anyone in their lives.  I know that was God's plan.  Mommy said she will write more later, but is a bit too sad to put any more words on this page.  We love you all!  Thank you for praying for us and loving us.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

37 Weeks!

Well last week I went for my doctor's visit and we got another ultrasound.  And guess what?  I am breech still!  My mommy keeps telling me to turn, but it is harder than it seems!  The doctors told mommy and daddy I am weighing 3 lb. 13 oz.  That is tiny!  But...they could be off by a whole hopefully I am just a bit bigger than they think.  Tell mommy to keep feeding me all that great food she eats...not the healthy stuff...the fatty stuff!  That is so much more tasty!  Mommy and daddy scheduled a C-Section for September 7 at 7:30 a.m.  That means we all need to get to the hospital by 5:30!!!!  Yikes!  But who knows, I may just decide to pop my head out a little early.  I am full of surprises you know! 

So mommy starts back to work in a couple of days.  She has been meeting with her sub, Heidi, who is just wonderful.  They will be teaching together until mommy goes into labor or until her scheduled C-Section.  That way it will give the kids a good chance to know them both and hopefully an easier transition.  Mommy met all of ther kiddies yesterday at an ice cream social.  They are all so cute and so eager to start school!  I bet mommy is the most nervous of all!  I heard her praying this morning for strength and peace these next few weeks as she encounters whatever God has in store for her.  She was praying that her eyes stay fixed on Jesus so she doesn't start to sink like Peter did.  :)

Do daddy put together my swing and rocking chair.  I can't wait to come home sit in them both.  Mommy and daddy turned on the swing to listen to the music and guess what?  Yep!  Daddy fell asleep!  It doesn't take much for that to happen!  Mommy and daddy have also been finishing up my room.  They aren't putting all the furniture in quite yet, but do have a basinet set up for me in their room which will be great!  Mommy has been finishing up her hospital bag so we are all ready to go to the hospital when it is time.  Oh and today we will all be going to Good Sam for a tour.  That way we won't get lost when it is time for me to arrive. 

Mommy and daddy have so been enjoying all the gifts they have received for me.  Yesterday mommy read me a book she got in the mail called I Love You, Good Night.  It talked about how she loved me more than all kinds of things.  It was so cute and funny!

Well...continue to pray for mommy and daddy that they continue to be thankful for my time here on matter how long or short, that they keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, and that God gives them incredible amounts of peace and joy these next couple of weeks.  Also pray for the doctor's wisdom with medical decisions for me, for me to turn and not be in distress during labor, and for a miracle!  For complete and total healing!  Love you all!

-Little Peanut Isaiah

Friday, August 12, 2011

36 Weeks!!!!

Hi everyone!  So mommy has been very busy lately and hasn't had time to get me on here to write to you.  Mommy had 2 baby showers already and has gotten tons of wonderful stuff for me!  I am so blessed to have so many people in mommy and daddy's lives that love me.  Mommy's co-workers threw me a great party and so did mommy and daddy's church friends.  Thank you everyone for all of your love!  I have also gotten cards and money in the mail from some of daddy's side of the family through a mail shower called the Shower of Love.  Isn't that so neat!  Oh and mommy's friend Lisa sent her a necklace in the mail with my name on it.  Mommy loves it and has been wearing it ever since.  Thank you Lisa!

So yesterday mommy and I went to the doctor and we found out mommy is 1 cm dilated!  I am on my way!  Next Tuesday we will get an ultrasound and you will get to see me again.  I will make sure mommy and daddy post a picture.  The doctor was also talking to mommy about artificial breathing.  He was basically saying that he did not recommend this due to my condition.  Mommy was very brave though and kindly told the doctor that her and daddy will do everything for me that they would do for all of their other children.  That means whatever the doctors would do for any other child that is healthy, is what they will do for our me!  She told him as soon as it becomes harmful or is putting me through pain, then they would make the choice to let me go be with Jesus.  But until then they will give me a chance at life...even if means just for a few hours, days, or months.  Then of course mommy got tears in her eyes.  The doctor got a bit uncomfortable and said oh yes, yes I it is totally up to you as his parents.  I just want you to be thinking about it all.  You could tell he felt a bit badly about suggesting that we shouldn't treat me like any other baby.  But we both understand that he is just doing his job in the medical field which is to give factual information to the best of his knowledge. 

Mommy and I (Ha!  Cause I go where she goes) are going back to work soon and she is a bit nervous.  So she needs your prayers.  She has a lot to do and is getting more emotional as the day of my arrival draws closer.  Yesterday she cried with daddy and told him how she was struggling with everything, especially putting my room together not knowing if the Lord will let me come home with them from the hospital.  Daddy told her it was good for her to cry it out and he knows it is hard for her. 

Here is something mommy and I read this morning:

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"  "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.  John 9:1-3

Mommy and daddy know that a great work is being done in me and through me.  God has given mommy and daddy this trial for a purpose that is for our good and His glory.  For our purpose is to be transformed into the image of Christ day by day.  Although this trial is almost too much for mommy and daddy to endure, God gives them the grace and strength to put one foot in front of the other knowing that God loves them and me so much and does everything out of love and not harm.  May God get the glory as they walk in faith trusting in Him! 

Oh and this weekend I have two more showers.  One at mommy's friend Caly's house and one at grandpa's house.  We can't wait!  Talk to you soon!  XOXO

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Neonatology Appointment At Good Sam

Good Morning Everyone!  Last Friday I went with mommy and daddy to Good Sam to meet with the neonatology unit to talk about my birth.  After about 2 minutes the doctor was already in tears!  Even before mommy...that is a record!  Then of course mommy started crying.  The doctors were impressed with my mommy and daddy because they had 3 pages of notes they wanted to discuss about me.  I definitely am loved!  We talked about what kind of birth to do, my feeding, my spine, my heart, and a lot more.  The doctors wanted to know if mommy was going to try to breast feed and whether or not they wanted to do feeding tubes if I was having trouble feeding.  Some parents think it's artificial and don't want to do that.  They discussed that yes they wanted to give me any kind of food I would be able to take.  Then we discussed c-section birth vs. vaginal birth.  The doctors have all told us that it would be fine for me to be delivered without a c-section as long as I turn...I am still breech.  I am trying to turn.  My little bottom is just a little big.  It's like daddy's so I am having a hard time turning.  :)  Heehee!  My daddy's friends used to call him Beef because of his big rump.  :)  We also discussed my spine.  According to the tests I have Spina Bifada which may need to be fixed once out of the womb.  The doctors couldn't really detect it on the ultra sound though.  So the seriousness of it is unknown.  We also discussed whether or not mommy and daddy would do CPR if I was not breathing.  They discussed they would do anything that would bring me comfort and peace and help me to breathe, but wouldn't do extreme measures to prolong my life that would inflict pain.  If Jesus is ready to take me, then they would just have to let go and let God's will be done...knowing that God has already set in motion all the days of my life!  I know that is hard for mommy and daddy to think about, but also so comforting to know that my life is to bring God glory whether how long or short.  :) 

Mommy and I ate oatmeal this morning and she read me a gospel narrative out of her book:  The Gospel Primer.  Here is what she read:

So wonderfully caring
is God ev'ry day,
Creating, sustaining
your life Isaiah ev'ry way.
Each breath you intake,
ev'ry beat of your heart,
All pleasures well-tasted
are His to impart.
Indeed, for such blessings
He should be adored
And honored supremely
as eminent Lord.

"For You formed my (Isaiah's) inward parts; You wove me (him) in my mother's womb.  I will give thanks to You, for I  (Isaiah) are fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.  My (Isaiah's) frame was not hidden from You, when I (Isaiah) was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my (Isaiah's) unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me (Isaiah), when as yet there was not one of them"  Psalm 139:  13-16.

Keep praying for me!  I will be coming to meet you all soon!  Less than 7 weeks!  Unless I decide to take my time!  It's quite comfy in here.  I am not sure what it will be like out there!  Plus I am enjoying all of this great food!  Somehow I don't think they will be feeding me Chipotle in my feeding tube!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fetal Echo

Hello everybody!  Yesterday I spent 3 hours at the doctor getting a fetal echo on my heart.  It looks like I have a hole in my heart.  Although this is not so good news, it really isn't the worse news we have received.  See I guess what causes many babies with Trisomy 18 not to live isn't their heart, kidneys, feet, hands, etc, it is actually the fact that they have a hard time breathing and feeding once leaving the mommy's tummy.  So basically if I get to go home with mommy and daddy, I could just stop breathing at any time.  As the doctors and others were sharing the news with mommy and daddy, mommy held it together for about 5 minutes and then broke into tears again.  So the doctor had to give her some tissues.  She is trying to be a trooper, but I know this is all very hard for her to hear.  It looks like I have gained a little weight, but am still under the growth that is normal at this point in time.  I am weighing about 2 lbs 10 oz give or take a few ounces and should be more like 3.75 pounds.   Yesterday I turned 8 months!  Nobody can believe mommy is that far along because she is so small.  Just between us, I know she wants to get bigger fast!  So pray that her belly shoots out because I am growing so big! 

My mommy went to register at Buy Buy Baby the other day with her friend Ashley.  Ashley helped her pick out some great stuff for me.  I hope I can use it!  Keep praying that I can.  It all looks like so much fun!  Pray for a miracle to happen these next two months that would just floor the doctors.  That would be so great to see wouldn't it!  Also pray for mommy and daddy this week.  We have 2 doctors appointments.  The one on Friday will be with the Neonatal  unit at Good Sam.  Pray that God helps my mommy and daddy make wise decisions about my birth. 

Thank you for praying for me and fighting for me.  I love you all very much!  Thank you for being there for mommy and daddy too and praying for them!

Monday, July 11, 2011

7 1/2 Months

Hello everyone!  Thank you for joining our blog.  Mommy says she wants you all to know how I am doing along the way and you will be able to follow it on here and be praying for me!  Today I had a very low key day.  Mommy and daddy have been really into couponing.  So I spent a lot of time couponing with mommy.  It was very boring actually.  :)  I was quite a bit active today, but I am trying not to kick as much.  It makes mommy jump.  I began to move around after mommy had her lunch and daddy put his hand on me.  I moved a little just for him so he could feel me too!  Lunch was really good.  I had brown rice with chicken and veggies...oh and lots of cheese...mommy and I love cheese!  We also love potato chips, but shhh!  Mommy told me not to tell.  She knows it isn't very healthy.  Tomorrow we were suppose to go to Bethesda to do an echo on my heart, but they rescheduled it for Friday at Children's Hospital.  So you can be praying for me.  It will be at 8:30.  The doctors are going to look at my heart and tell mommy and daddy what is going on with it.  It feels fine to me! I sure hope they don't press that tool on my head again.  That hurt.  I decided to give them a run for their money last time because they were chasing me around with that thing.  I heard them laughing.    Then mommy said I was rebellious just like daddy.  Well mommy just fed me a fruit bar so it's time for me to bounce around a little and then off for a nap again.  :)  Pray for me.  I am growing, but it seems the doctors don't think I am growing fast enough.  Tell mommy I need more french fries.  That will fatten me up.  :)  Thank you for loving me and praying for me!  Don't forget...I am fearfully and wonderfully made...despite what the doctors may think!!!!  They just don't understand God's creation, that's all.  We all come in different packages.  Good Night!